What are 2 uses of dovetail joint?

Applications of a Dovetail Joint? Dovetail joints are most commonly used woodworking. Carpenters use dovetail joints to create cabinets, furniture, drawers, log buildings, carcass construction, timber framing. Dovetail joints are known for their strength and durability.

When were dovetail joints used?

While dovetail joints can be found on ancient Egyptian coffins from 3000 BC, they were not used in European and American furniture until the mid 1600s. Dovetails have flared tails like a bird on the end of the drawer’s side boards that interlock into mirroring pins on the drawer’s face board.

What is used to make a dovetail joint?

Materials Required A dovetail joint is made by cutting interlocking parts on two pieces of wood. The tail board has the dovetails. The pin board has pins that slide in between the dovetails. Each outer edge of the pin board has a half pin, meaning only one face of the pin is angled.

What is a dovetail saw used for?

Are dovetail joints still used?

They are still used today by many experienced custom furniture makers. Dovetail joints are not only used to make a strong joint for drawer construction, but cabinet makers often use them to join the tops, bottoms and sides of cabinet cases, as was done on antique furniture.

What is an example of a dovetail?

A dovetail is a joint in woodworking where two sides are fitted together with interlocking pieces. You can also use the word dovetail to show how other things fit well together — like how your picnic plans nicely dovetail with the sunny forecast.

What is the most popular dovetail joint?

Single-lap Dovetail The single-lap (known to many folks as a half-blind dovetail) is the best known of the dovetails since it’s used to join the front to the sides of a drawer.

Are dovetail joints worth it?

Making sure that you pick a drawer joint that can withstand this type of wear and tear is crucial to the longevity of your kitchen cabinets. Dovetail joints are considered one of the strongest joints used in kitchen cabinetry construction and are the best solution for a kitchen cabinet drawer box.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a dovetail joint?

The interlocking dovetail joint has a large gluing area, further adding to its strength. Hand cut dovetail joints require precise handsaw and chisel skills, and can be fiddly to mark out and cut. If dovetail joints are poorly made they will lose the advantage of strength and durability.

Is dovetail joint easy?

Of course, therein lies the rub—it takes some patience and skill to craft through dovetail joints by hand. Fortunately, modern technology has made the task much easier than the traditional hand-cutting method. With a router, dovetailing bit and a dovetail jig, you can make nearly perfect dovetails in mere moments.

What saw to use for dovetail joint?

You need a saw with rip teeth for dovetail work. This means the cutting edges of the teeth are approximately perpendicular to the length of the saw. Two saws that do the trick are a Japanese dozuki (top) and a Western backsaw.

What are the advantages of a dovetail saw?

Most importantly: When you are sawing dovetails or any other joint, the canted or tapered blade allows you to saw to your baseline on the front side of the work and still be shy of the baseline on the backside of the work. Then you can look over the work and finish the job.

Are dovetail joints difficult?

Hand-cutting a dovetail joint is kind of a woodworking high-wire act; one slip of the saw or chisel and the joint either won’t fit together or will look sloppy. It takes a lot of time to master the ability to cut dovetails quickly and well (by hand or machine), without a lot of fussing around.

Why are dovetail joints good for drawers?

A sign of quality and solid construction, dovetail drawers have an interlocking design that creates a sturdy lock. This design, which includes “pins” and “tails” that fit tightly and precisely together, is a sign of solid craftsmanship.

What is a dovetail joint simple definition?

: a flaring tenon and a mortise into which it fits tightly making an interlocking joint between two pieces that resists pulling apart in all directions except one.

What is the earliest dovetail joint?

Some of the earliest known examples of the dovetail joint are in ancient Egyptian furniture entombed with mummies dating from First Dynasty, the tombs of Chinese emperors, and a stone pillar at the Vazhappally Maha Siva Temple in India.

What is the history of the dovetail joint?

Dovetail joints, also called swallowtail joints in England, date back to ancient Egypt, when Egyptians used this technique for coffins.

When did they stop using square nails in furniture?

Square-head nails were made from the late 1700s until about 1830. Most were machine-cut and finished off by a blacksmith who squared the heads. From 1830 to 1890, cabinetmakers used headless, machine-cut nails that are a tapered, rectangular shape. Modern wire, brad or penny nails were introduced around 1890.

When did they start using dowels in furniture?

The 19th Century Revolution in Wood Furniture Making By the 18th and 19th centuries, joinery was revolutionized with the introduction of new tools and materials. Dowel joints allowed for even more complex designs and angles than what was possible using pegged construction alone.

Is dovetail a saw?

Although similar to a tenon saw, dovetail saws generally have thinner blades with a greater number of teeth per inch. Dovetail saws are primarily used for work that require small, very precise cuts, typically in joint making including dovetail and small tenon joints.

Do dovetail joints need glue?

Michael Dresdner: The only areas that require glue on dovetails are the diagonal faces. All the diagonal faces are long grain, all the square faces are end grain, and all the flat faces abut end grain. Therefore, you need only apply glue to the diagonal faces on the tails or pins, or both.

Is dovetail the highest quality?

Dovetail is arguably the strongest joint in millwork. It’s made so that it can’t be twisted or pulled in any direction except for one. This means that it’ll take more force to break or damage the joint.

What is an English dovetail joint?

English Dovetail / Through Dovetail The craftsperson usually orients the tails and pins in this joint horizontally, although this isn’t a cardinal rule. It is sometimes called a through dovetail because both the pins and tails go all the way through each-other.

What is the best dovetail angle?

Percy Blandford, who has been writing about woodworking for a long time, writes in his new book, “The Woodworker’s Bible,” that any angle between 7.5° and 10° is acceptable. The ideal, he says, is 8.5° for softwoods and 7.5° when joining hardwoods.

Is dovetail joint permanent?

The strongest and most permanent right-angled joints made in wood are the ‘dove-tail’ joints, as illustrated below. The so-called tails and pins fit together to form a secure joint.

How deep are dovetail joints?

Typically we use 1 ½” – 2” deep dovetails that are about 2” less deep than the joist, and 4” less deep than the girt – but that is just a starting point – the loads and reactions have to be calculated from there.

Mike Walker

Repair and Construction Expert. WoodiesDIY.tv Owner