Why is it called a dovetail joint?

The etymology of the name comes from the resemblance between the tenontenonA mortise and tenon (occasionally mortice and tenon) joint connects two pieces of wood or other material. Woodworkers around the world have used it for thousands of years to join pieces of wood, mainly when the adjoining pieces connect at right angles.https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Mortise_and_tenonMortise and tenon – Wikipedia or mortise of the joint to the shape of a dove’s tail . In Europe, the dovetail joint is sometimes called a swallowtail joint, a culvertail joint (culver also means ‘dove’), or a fantail joint.

When did they stop using dovetail joints?

So manufacturers moved away from dovetails. Hand-cut dovetailing was the default until 1860 when uniform machine-cut joints were introduced. But fine cabinetmakers persisted in fitting their joints by hand until the early 1900s, and cabinetmakers in Europe cut dovetails by hand well into the 1930s.

What is the origin of the word dovetail?

dovetail (n.) also dove-tail, 1580s, in carpentry, “tenon cut in the form of a reverse wedge,” the strongest of all fastenings, from dove (n.) + tail (n.). So called from resemblance of shape in the tenon or mortise of the joints to that of the bird’s tail display.

What is the theory of dovetail joint?

There are two parts to a dovetail joint, pins and tails. The tails look like the tail of a dove (hence the name), and the pins are on the opposite board and fit in between the tails to create a joint that is impossible to pull apart in at least one direction.

What does dovetail mean in woodworking?

Dovetail joints, one of the strongest joints in carpentry, are woodworking seams that connect two pieces of wood by fitting them in with one another, similar to connecting two puzzle pieces. The end of one piece of wood is complementary to the other, creating an interlocking corner.

Is a finger joint stronger than a dovetail joint?

It depends on the application. For box joint, some people put a lot more fingers than it is possible to do with Dovetail. In this case, the gluing surface is larger, and the joint is likely stronger. Also, some find a way to hide a finish nail in the joint.

Are dovetails the strongest of all joints?

Dovetail is arguably the strongest joint in millwork. It’s made so that it can’t be twisted or pulled in any direction except for one. This means that it’ll take more force to break or damage the joint. Because of the preciseness of each piece, this joint is held into place without the need for extra reinforcement.

Are dovetail joints antique?

Most quality pieces of antique furniture will have a dovetail joint in the drawer construction as it was a very early form of construction, but was so successful, it was used for many 100’s of years. The Dovetail joint, got its name because of its similarity to the shape of a birds tail.

What does dovetail mean in English?

/ˌdʌvˈteɪl/ A dovetail is a joint in woodworking where two sides are fitted together with interlocking pieces. You can also use the word dovetail to show how other things fit well together — like how your picnic plans nicely dovetail with the sunny forecast.

Who invented dovetails?

This paper considers the origins of the dovetail from ancient Egyptian cabinetwork, through its development as a builders’ and joiners’ joint, to becoming the symbol of refined cabinet making.

What is the strongest joint in woodworking?

Mortise and tenon joints have stood the test of time for their remarkable strength. This traditional joint involves a projecting piece of wood, called a tenon, securely fitting into a corresponding cavity, a mortise. It can be reinforced with glue or wedges for stability for a stronger hold.

Are dovetail joints worth it?

Making sure that you pick a drawer joint that can withstand this type of wear and tear is crucial to the longevity of your kitchen cabinets. Dovetail joints are considered one of the strongest joints used in kitchen cabinetry construction and are the best solution for a kitchen cabinet drawer box.

Should you glue dovetail joints?

Michael Dresdner: The only areas that require glue on dovetails are the diagonal faces. All the diagonal faces are long grain, all the square faces are end grain, and all the flat faces abut end grain. Therefore, you need only apply glue to the diagonal faces on the tails or pins, or both.

Are dovetail joints difficult?

Hand-cutting a dovetail joint is kind of a woodworking high-wire act; one slip of the saw or chisel and the joint either won’t fit together or will look sloppy. It takes a lot of time to master the ability to cut dovetails quickly and well (by hand or machine), without a lot of fussing around.

What is the difference between French and English dovetail?

English dovetails are the most common. They have interlocking joints and allow the most amount of space – usually several more inches of room than you would get with French dovetails. This is because the dovetail groove cannot be put all the way at the edge of a drawer with French dovetails.

How old are dovetail joints on furniture?

During the 17th century, iron nailed joints were gradually changed to dove tail joints, whereby two sides are joined together by interlocking, triangular shaped wedges. Earlier drawer linings were large, crude and dovetail joints became increasingly small and tight during the second half of the 17th century.

How can you tell how old a chest of drawers is?

Look at the bottom board’s grain as well; if it runs from front to back, the chest was likely built in the early 18th century; if it runs from side to side, it was presumably made after 1750. The chest’s handles should also be examined to see if they are authentic.

How can you tell how old furniture is?

Search for any labels, stamps or manufacturing tags underneath or on the back of furniture, or in the drawers. These marks will be able to tell you who made the furniture, where it was manufactured and often the year that it was made.

What years were Knapp joints used?

What makes the Knapp joint so special is that it was only used for about 30 years, from 1870 until 1900. This joint is the first known mechanization for making drawers in the industrial revolution age until eventually being replaced by a machine that cuts dovetails.

What is the weakest joint in furniture?

A butt joint uses a simple technique whereby two pieces of material are joined together at their ends, without any special shaping or cutting. Although it is simple, the butt joint is also the weakest of the wood joinery types.

What is the weakest type of woodworking joint?

A butt joint is the most basic kind of wood joint where the end of one piece of material butts up to another without any shaping done to the material. Because this technique utilizes minimal surface area for glue, it’s generally considered a weak joint unless supported by additional fasteners such as nails and screws.

Is dovetail joint permanent?

The strongest and most permanent right-angled joints made in wood are the ‘dove-tail’ joints, as illustrated below. The so-called tails and pins fit together to form a secure joint.

What is an impossible dovetail joint?

Press a dovetailed board into another board with matching sockets, and you’ve created woodworking’s most iconic joint. The dovetails and sockets wedge the boards together, so the joint can’t pull apart; the only way to disassemble it is to lift the dovetailed board back out of the sockets.

When would you use a dovetail joint?

A dovetail joint or simply dovetail is a joinery technique most commonly used in woodworking joinery (carpentry), including furniture, cabinets, log buildings, and traditional timber framing.

What is a Knapp joint?

What are the rules for dovetail joints?

The general rule is that they measure half the thickness of timber plus around 1 mm along the shoulder line. So these two awl dots are 7 mm in from each edge. These two dots, which mark the corners of the half pins, are now converted into a 1:8 slope at each side.

Mike Walker

Repair and Construction Expert. WoodiesDIY.tv Owner